Over the last two decades Gabriela and her team have helped thousands of couples to bring healthy babies into the world, when all other treatments have failed. Thanks to her carefully devised approach, Gabriela’s track record is second to none, and research shows that she and her team deliver a 78% success rate. Her amazing journey has seen her create the world’s first fully virtual practice, as well as author three really insightful books on fertility and parenthood.

Gabriela Book3   Gabriela Book2   Gabriela Book

Gabriela’s career has been through some real ups and downs, and seen some seismic shifts as she’s evolved and adapted in order to become a success in her field and take care of her growing family in the process. She transitioned her business from a bricks and mortar business centre to an innovative virtual business model, and along the way has continually increased the services and treatments offered by her practice, as well as doing the hard graft in sales and marketing.

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This is a great conversation for anyone in the stages of turning their passion into a viable and successful business. Gabriela’s story is sure to inspire you to find the courage and tenacity to overcome emotional and financial doubts. Enjoy.

Here are a few things we get really into:

  • How Gabriela got her first client by letterboxing business cards
  • Gabriela’s 14 day fertility challenge
  • How she used a newsletter to boost her number of clients
  • Why she thinks Facebook ads are so great
  • Gabriela’s thoughts on giving services away for free
  • Steps on how to change a business model
  • Cutting down on staff costs
  • Why you need to gather as much information on prospective clients as possible
  • How Gabriela takes her clients all the way from beginning to baby
  • Figuring out what sales actually means in business
  • The problem of personal brand and how to overcome it
  • How you can turn your real passion into a powerful marketing tool
  • Gabriela’s secret to success and communicating with clients
  • Why it’s important to demonstrate commitment to your customers
  • Pushing through your limitations in order to succeed


Natural Fertility Breakthrough Website

14 Day Fertility Challenge

The Awful Truth About Cleaning Products And Fertility Revealed Book

Protecting Your Fertility Book

Eat Your Way to Parenthood Book

