Everything that you know about ROI is ‘wrong’. Let’s even start with the acronym – ‘wrong’.

ROI to some is a simple measure of Return on Investment. To those that are making a difference with their business online, it’s Remarkable Online Influence. It’s the new ROI of our digital ecosystem.

Influence is categorised by many as being able to convey your ideas, and have them readily accepted by others. Easy in principle, harder in practice.

In researching for my book, The Digital Delusion, I discovered that the businesses and entrepreneurs who have created the most influence online, have a process. An understanding of what works and what doesn’t even if most of them haven’t actually understood  ‘why’ it works.

It’s not just about the number of Twitter followers you have, how many Facebook fans, the awesomeness of your website, or the size of your email list. It’s deeper than that. It’s about being able to combine a number of key elements about who you are as a person or business, as well as what your business is about.

So, how do you start to create Remarkable Online Influence? What’s the process?

Here are the 3 simple things to maximise what you are doing for your business, and build your ROI:

      1. Digital Strategy
        Do you have one? Is it simple enough for others to understand and for you to convey? Can you articulate your strategy into your core ‘essence” as part of your pitch? What are you really about? What makes it work?
      2. Knowledge & Expertise
        This is how you develop your online persona based on your own knowledge and expertise. Are you writing? Are you contributing? Who knows you are a ‘Champion’ of what you do? It’s not just about a blog, it’s about every little thing that you produce and create online that further conveys the essence of your business and overall strategy.
      3. Awareness & Relevance
        The sad reality is that no one really cares about you and your business. Give your audience a real reason to care by getting to know them and creating content that aligns with who they are, what they do, and everything else about them. Everything needs to be relevant to them. Create awareness by developing your knowledge and expertise across your entire digital ecosystem.


These are not ‘magic bullets’ – they’re part and parcel of how you continue to grow and integrate your entire digital ecosystem across all channels and mediums to make your job easier. It will take time, but you’re building a long-term business, right?

Ultimately building your own ROI – your Remarkable Online Influence – will grow your personal and business profile online and expand on a higher level of your investment.

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Doyle Buehler is the Author of The Digital Delusion – How to Overcome the Misguidance and Misinformation Online. He specialises in helping entrepreneurs re-define & re-discover their digital business with a breakthrough online blueprint to transform their business online.