If you’re struggling with pitching your business ideas or you feel that your current pitch isn’t quite cutting it, then you’re definitely going to get a lot out of this episode. In this special edition of the Dent Podcast, I’m speaking with Daniel Priestley. Daniel is my business partner, the co-founder of Dent Global, and he’s also the author of three bestselling books.

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In this conversation, Daniel and I are talking everything around pitching. We cover methodologies, strategies and techniques, so be sure to get your pen and paper out because there are loads of tips here on how to raise your pitching game.


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Here are just a few of the topics we get really into:

  • The frameworks behind pitching
  • How to tell the difference between a good pitch and a bad pitch
  • The three different types of pitching: the social pitch, the structured pitch and the sales pitch
  • How to be simultaneously clear and unique in a pitch
  • The pitching methodology that helps to understand all the elements of a pitch
  • The differences between a one-to-one pitch and pitching on stage
  • Incorporating your personal story into your pitch and why it’s something you have to do
  • The ‘Big Game’ strategy and the criteria you need to fill in order to master it
  • How to use your environment around you to perform at a higher level

Daniel’s Books

Key Person of Influence


Entrepreneur Revolution