It’s a well-known fact that every business needs a website to be successful in this day and age. For many, this is hard to face because a lot of people simply don’t have the skills to build one themselves. You do have the option, of course, of paying a developer to do this for you and paying freelancers to load your site up with the appropriate content. The costs associated with these services keep this option out of reach for many new start-ups and small business owners, however, and truthfully, even when people have this done for them, their website remains unsuccessful. That’s primarily because people don’t really know what they need starting out.
The fact of the matter is that the work involved with building a successful website should be done upfront. There are 10 steps that need to be taken before you should begin building a website or even start to have one built for you. If you already have a website, the information to follow may help you to realize why your website isn’t as successful as it could be.
Either way, by just reviewing the following steps, you will be able to save yourself tons of time, money, and frustration in trying to make your website work for you as it should. I’ve included 5 of the 10 steps below, with the further 5 to shared in my next post.
Step 1 – Strategy
The first step is one that people often struggle with the most, but once you get past this, you will have an amazing strategy in place that will serve as the foundation for everything else that needs to be done.
A major problem that people face is that they don’t really know what they want starting out. They know that they need a website, and they have a vague idea of what purpose that website should serve. However, they haven’t really taken the time to map out what they want to display to the world about themselves and their business. It’s imperative that you do so before you begin to build your website.
The point of this is to create a website that is successful. In order to do that, you are going to need to take some time to think about who you are, what you’re passionate about, and what the core values of your business are. If you don’t know who you are, then how are you going to know what you need to create?
When you don’t clarify, that lack of clarity comes across to the visitors of your website. Always keep in mind that when you put up a website, you are sending a message to your customers and/or visitors to that site. It is up to you whether that message is clear and professional or if it comes across as confusing and jumbled. That’s why it is so important that you begin by implementing a successful website strategy.
Step 2: The Customer Journey
Once you have established the core values that your business and/or website should be based upon, and you know what message you want to send to people visiting the site, it’s time to start considering what type of journey you are leading people through as they embark upon your site.
First and foremost, you will want to consider what the visitor’s first impression will be when they land on your homepage. After all, first impressions are everything, aren’t they? Therefore, this is one of the most important details to consider as you plan your website. Again, this should all be based upon a single message that you have decided to communicate with people through your website.
Another important aspect is having a clear idea of who the optimal visitor to your site will be. Who is it that you are targeting that will most likely take advantage of your product or service?
A lot of what you include on your site will be based on the answer to this question. For example, statistics show that young men and women spend a vast majority of their time watching YouTube videos. That means that if your target audience primarily consists of younger consumers, you might be able to get them to interact with your site better, if you include more videos than written content on your site. In other words, you need to consider what your primary visitors are going to enjoy that’s going to make them stay on your site longer. That will determine the type of content you will want to include as you build your site.
You should keep your initial message in mind throughout everything, as it’s the foundation of your website strategy. You’ll want to envision how you want people to move through your site and what impression you are making at every turn. As they go from page to page, are you sending a clear message of what your company and brand is all about? What pages should be included that will make it easy for your user to navigate the site? They should be able to effortlessly finding their way to the pages that are set up for them to buy from. What content would make them more likely to stay on the site, interact, and buy?
These are all questions you should ask yourself before moving forward to build your website.
Step 3: Sitemaps
As you plan your website, and you are considering the user experience, you’ll want to start mapping out all of the pages that you want to include. It’s likely that you have a general idea in your mind of what pages would be best to have on your site, but actually putting pen to paper and drawing it out will help you to get a bird’s eye view of what pages you should build. You can always use programs like Paint to give you a pictorial view of how your website should pan out, but there’s something about putting a pen to paper and sketching it out that seems to make things more viable.
It’s recommended that you create a mind map or a flow chart to sketch out how you’re going to build your site page by page. Of course, you can draw out a mind map on anything from a piece of notebook paper to a napkin, but if you’re fond of using the computer to save your ideas, a great piece of mind mapping software you may want to try is XMind ( You can also find features that will allow you to create flow charts in most word processing programs such as the latest versions of Microsoft Word.
No matter how you go about mapping out your site, you’ll want to start by figuring out what the main categories in your top-level menu will be. Then, carefully start to map out what pages should be included in each section of your website. Be sure that as you are mapping out your site, you take time to consider what the user experience will be at each phase and if they will be able to easily find what they need.
Step 4: Wireframes
The next step you’re going to take is to begin to build your site with wireframes. People often have trouble with this action step, but the key to this is to keep it simple. Each page on your website should have one objective – this will keep your user or visitor from becoming confused as they navigate the site. Remember a confused consumer doesn’t buy, so each page needs to be set up so that the user can find what they need and make it easy for them to move along to purchase your product or service. Search Engine Land provides a great article on how to improve your site’s navigation. You can access it here.
Step 5: Content
The content that you provide as you build your website is not only going to bring more people to your site, but it is going to cause them to stay longer and interact with your brand more. This is extremely important when it comes to getting people to purchase more as well as being able to better rank your site on search engines like Google. Furthermore, the content that you provide will help your business to better stand out and help you to establish yourself as an authority in your market.
Again, you will want to pay close attention to who your user is and what type of content they would enjoy. It’s good to have a mixture of written content, images, and video in most cases. As you plan your website and its content, take the time to examine whether or not what you are providing is in-line with the message you are trying to send to people and what your overall brand is all about. There is a very helpful article on giving your brand a voice on The article states:
“Content is the heart of an effective web presence. Whether you’re a retailer, a media site or a social startup, it’s compelling, up-to-date and relevant content that attracts and engages users. If your content isn’t right, your customers simply won’t engage with it in the way you hope.”
I’ll be sharing the further 5 things you need to know before building your website in my next blog post, but in the meantime, I’d love to hear your comments or questions below!