You care about your body. You want to improve it in every way possible. And whilst it’s great to seek out the newest technology, study the newest data and benefit from the newest supplements in which to do that, there are also ancient techniques that have survived through the ages for an important reason – they work.
Don’t discount the fact that something as traditional as meditation can be the key to unlocking depths of mental and physical health you’ve never experienced before.
Below are 3 simple meditation techniques for beginners to start with. Give these a chance and you may find that meditation is the key to additional mind and body improvements you never expected possible.
The Art of Meditation
When you hear the word meditation you may think of religion and/or superstition. The fact is though – meditation is an ancient art form designed to reduce stress and improve overall health. In recent years, health researchers have started to seriously investigate and harness the power of meditation.
Why Meditate?
You constantly look for ways to work out your body, your lungs, to build your endurance, and meditation is the ultimate workout for your brain.
Meditating is ultimately the art of focusing 100% of your attention on one thing for a period of time, helping the body to heal and perform its most important functions with greater ease.
The Benefits of Meditating
Studies have shown meditation to help address problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress and even pain.
Below are 7 tips to keep in mind for proper and productive meditation.
1. Get Comfortable: Meditation does not necessarily mean that you have to sit cross-legged on the floor in lotus position! If that is not a comfortable position for you, you will never be able to properly focus. Meditation is the art of focusing 100% of your attention, and if you are distracted by a foot that is falling asleep or an itch or some other sort of discomfort you will not be able to achieve full & proper meditation. Find a quiet space and sit in a way that is comfortable & allows you to focus.
2. Meditate In The Morning: Often the early morning is a quiet time before the busyness, demands and challenges of the day. The morning is a great time for you to find quiet and solitary peace that will allow you to transcend into a tranquil state. Also, after you’ve gotten up and shaken off the lingering snatches of sleep, it is less likely that you will be tired and less likely the mediation will simply spiral into a short nap session!
3. Stretch: Stretching helps to focus your attention on your body, helps to loosen muscles and helps you to sit or lay more comfortably. A good workout session followed by a short period of meditation can work very well. The exercise tires your mind enabling you to slow down or even stop your flow of thought for a controlled period of time.
4. Pick A Focus: It is important to remember that meditation is an active process in which you are engaged in a purpose. Pick something specific to focus your attention on or else your mind will continue to wander. For instance, with your eyes closed picture a loved one. Imagine their face in your minds eye. The more detail you can bring to the picture in your mind the better. Practice this and you will find that your ability to focus in any situation dramatically improves.
5. Focus On Your Breath: Not sure what to focus on? Start by focusing on your breathing. As you do you will become more aware of your body, relax your muscles and slow your heart rate.
6. Make It A Routine: Like anything, your body is more likely to adapt to a new practice if it becomes a set routine. Try to mediate at the same time each day to help your body expect and anticipate the meditation session. Also, if you can try to meditate in the same room, sitting in the same way, etc. These patterns will help the routine to develop and strengthen your technique.
7. Relax And Don’t Stress: It may feel like you aren’t getting it at first, but this is totally normal. Just remember to relax as the entire point of the exercise is to reduce and eliminate stress so there is no need to stressed about the exercise itself. The calmer you are, the more quickly you will pick up on the practice and reap the rewards!
…And finally, it is important not to get frustrated.
Meditation is an exercise meant to increase concentration, decrease anxiety and help encourage the overall feelings of well-being and happiness.
If you look into the habits of highly successful people you will find that a high percentage of them have a routine of regular meditation… Is this just a coincidence or could it be that this simple natural process is an integral part of achieving success?