Kemi Nekvapil – the recently published author of ‘Raw Beauty’, raw food chef, founder of Kemi’s Raw Kitchen and Raw Beauty Queen, blogger and writer, well-being advocate and all round incredibly inspirational woman – is on a mission. That mission is empowering women worldwide to nourish themselves and each other to create lives that make a difference – and boy has she been doing just that!
Kemi and her ever-expanding success show no sign of slowing down, as she was recently snapped up to write for the Huffington Post in Australia and the US, and her latest series of ‘Raw Beauty’ workshops for business chicks kick off in March too!
And, at the heart of all this uber-achievement, Kemi is super down to earth, increasingly passionate and a total inspiration to be around.
We were eager to find out all about Kemi’s full speed journey to becoming a Key Person of Influence, and here’s what she told us…
“My KPI journey has been full of so many light bulb moments, one of the biggest being learning my actual market place value. I now know that I am the only one that does what I do the way that I do it, which makes me unique and different from anything out there. That lesson alone has provided me with such focus on the direction of my brand.
My passion, my mission, and my purpose are now out in the world and that gives me the feeling of immense freedom.
Writing my book ‘Raw Beauty’, has been a real stake in the ground for me. It was Raw Beauty that I gave to Arianna Huffington (of the Huffington Post) which led to her inviting me to be a launch blogger in Australia and to regularly blog for the US site!
This huge opportunity was an enormous boost of confidence and drastically improved my pitch, which, in turn, led to my invitations to host two dream events later this year with Australia’s largest women’s network!”
KEMI’S TIP: Nourish yourself. Nourish each other. Create lives that make a difference.
Kemi has us punching the air like a winner! She’s proof and inspiration that the more you put in…the more shit hot opportunities you get out!
Love Kemi as much as we do? You can hear more from her here:
Twitter: @keminekvapil
Tweetable kudos: Kudos to @KPIMethod Member @keminekpavil on being snapped up to blog for @HuffingtonPost ! #empowerwomen #eatraw #nourish