Virtual presentation app Zeetings is impressive. I’m not an investor or employee at Zeetings, I’m a user-come-evangelist because this product has elegantly solved two pain points for me as an entrepreneur and AirShr’s chief hustler.
I’m not likely to do the Zeetings product team any justice in my explanation but they have created an experience where you upload a presentation (in the usual formats) and share a link with your audience. This link allows the audience to follow your presentation based on the speed you move through the deck on their mobile device.
Did you get that? Now your audience is intimately experiencing your presentation. Zeetings call this ‘broadcasting’ and it also allows audience members to comment to each presentation slide and even ask questions. The kicker is that you can poll an audience in real-time during your presentation and use the results to answer questions or inform the balance of your time on stage.
Zeetings is a cool product and it ticks all the boxes. But I used it differently.
My two pain points are well-known to entrepreneurs. I’m not a fan of distributing hardcopy information about AirShr to anyone, it dates quickly (pain point #1: distributing information) and there’s usually no way to know if a prospective investor or customer ever reads or wants to engage based on the material they received (pain point #2: efficient business development).
I recently returned from the Echelon Summit in Singapore where AirShr was nominated as one of the top 10 startups in Asia for 2015. During the summit I manned the AirShr booth and pitched 42 times in two days before presenting AirShr to the Summit’s 2,500 attendees.
Focused on launching our product, our team didn’t have time to design and print marketing collateral as ‘leave-behinds’ for people that visited the booth. Instead, I uploaded our Echelon presentation to Zeetings and sent an email or SMS that included the Zeetings link to each interested party as a way of concluding the conversation. In doing so we delivered an immediate and intimate digital experience to prospective investors and customers without distributing a single page of hard copy material.
As a result we have 11 open conversations with prospective investors and customers in Asia each of whom responded within 48 hours of receiving the Zeetings link.
Take a look at Zeetings, I think you’ll like it.