Becoming a Key Person of Influence (KPI) is a full-time job, which forces you to work outside of your business. You need to put some thought into your pitch, invest time publishing content, pluck up the confidence to produce some materials, use free tools on the internet to speak to a wider audience and partner with like-minded people in business.
When you are a Key Person of Influence you don’t chase great opportunities; great opportunities find you.
It will take thought; it will take time; you might need to invest money and get guidance along the way, but if you commit to it, you will achieve the following five things:
1. Publicity and Media – the media are always looking for expert opinions, feature stories and case studies. Once you are a KPI, start talking to the media and letting them know what you are up to in the world. Send journalists your book with your biography and when they have a relevant story, they will think of you.
2. Speaking at events – one speaking opportunity can generate seriously valuable opportunities if done correctly. Remember that speaking opportunities go to KPIs not great speakers.
3. Directorships – many great companies are willing to pay sizeable fees, or even equity, to have an established KPI as a member of their board.
4. Your own membership group – either online or at a live venue, these groups can be a great source of income as well as a constant stream of opportunities. Start inviting people to come and join you. You will be amazed at how fast your group can grow.
5. Random surprises – KPIs get invited on fun holidays, they get sent free gifts, they get invites to be VIP guests at events and many other fun surprises show up unannounced.
Be sure to keep your eyes on the prize. As a KPI, you will have more fun, make more money and enjoy more recognition.
If you don’t become a KPI, you will get stuck chasing revenue, spend too much time searching for (half decent) opportunities and forever feel undervalued.
So, how can you start?
Attend our half-day event in London on the 26th of July to get started with the five strategies you need to implement based around Pitch, Publish, Product, Profile and Partnerships to become the Key Person of Influence in your industry.
Remember – Keep focused on your big game and why you want to win in business.